Saturday, January 13, 2007

Make Your Site Sell-ebooks review

HOT NEWS [September 29, 2006] - The author, Ken Evoy, has just announced that Make Your Site Sell is now 100% FREE! So download your copy before Ken changes his mind. Over 100,000 paying customers can't be wrong! There are no catches. No spyware or adware. It's not a trial copy. You get the entire ebook - absolutely free. So why is it free? Because Ken is a great guy, plus he wants to help his affiliates attract more customers to his Site Build It flagship product, which by the way is also excellent.

Visit the Make Your Site Sell web site
Overview:Make Your Site Sell, by Ken Evoy, is a self-study guide on how to develop a product, build a web site that sells, and promote it to attract customers.
Last Update: Friday, December 01, 2006.
  • 4 volumes containing an amazing 1,400+ pages!
  • Volume 1 - Product - how to develop and position products for the Web.
  • Volume 2 - Make Your Store Sell! - the new volume, specifically about multi-product online stores.
  • Volume 3 - Site-Selling - how to make a site that convinces visitors to buy.
  • Volume 4 - Traffic-Building - how to attract targeted traffic to your site.
  • Lifetime, money-back guarantee.
  • Benefits:
  • Learn everything you need to know to develop, build and market a successful online business.
  • Saves a lot of time as all the important information is nicely formatted in one place.
  • Review:Make Your Site Sell is the encyclopedia of selling on the Internet. It covers every aspect of finding or developing a great product, building a great web site, and promoting it to attract targeted customers.

    What astounds me is the size of the ebook, at over 1,400 pages! Yet, the author offers it at a giveaway price of less than $40 Canadian Dollars, or approximately $25 US. Now 100% FREE!

    Beginners will learn everything they've wanted to know about selling online, and experts will find it to be an essential reference manual.

    As far as I know Make Your Site Sell! is the best selling internet marketing ebook online with over 100,000 copies sold! It's no surprise that I highly recommend it!
  • "Make Your Site Sell takes OVER-delivering to a whole new level. MYSS is absolutely superb - the essential manual for anyone selling anything on the Net." - Allan Gardyne, Associate Programs Newsletter.
  • "Make Your Site Sell is the most stunningly helpful product I've seen since the original Make Your Site Sell! exploded onto the Internet in 1999!" - Neil Shearing, Scam Free Zone.
  • "Downloading Make Your Site Sell! will prove to be one of the most significant downloads of my business life." - Les Booth, Purdue University.
  • Format:PDF file.
    Require:Free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
    Size:1,400+ pages!
    Free Trial:Yes
    Costs:$24.95 Canadian Dollars / Approx. $16 US Dollars Now 100% FREE!
    Visit the Make Your Site Sell web site Make Your Site Sell.

    Related Directory Categories:
  • Ken Evoy
  • Internet Marketing Course
  • Marketing Books
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